Saturday, January 3, 2009

Why Blog Anyway?

Yeah, why blog! I don't know, maybe since I've filled up so many journals I don't know what do do next. Maybe because I LOVE reading other people's blogs so much, even total strangers, that I thought I'd try it myself! I've heard that you can work out thoughts and most problems by writing them down and mulling over them - but I don't think I have too many problems, or thoughts really...harhar, just kidding! No, I just think it might be fun, to try it for a while, to see if anyone gets any enjoyment out of my monologuing (or ranting, raving, whatever you want to call it). But let me jut forewarn you - I have no idea what I'm doing. I wouldn't know how to separate a paragraph if my life depended on it. My spelling is fine (thank you SpellCheck) but otherwise I'm just going to write how I'd talk to you if you were sitting in front of me and I was drunk. (And the Good Lord knows I talk WAY too much when I drunk) Yeah, drunk Sam is fun...

Anywho - hope you enjoy! Take care, Samantha


  1. Haha, welcome to the addiction ;)

  2. you should totally go to and join there, it's an online community where people add you as friends, and you read journals, mine is there too ;-).


    Oh my journal is listed as

  3. What a start!! I love it!! Totally had me giggling... keep up the drunk talk. hahahah

  4. haha very funny 'bout the drunk part......O_o
